You can catch her as tv personality and fitness expert on Cityline and Breakfast Television. She was recently featured in Self Magazine and Glamour Magazine has named one of the top 30 Fitness Instagram Accounts to follow and her work was recently featured in the New York Post and the Washington Post. 

Sarah advocates for plus size women in fitness and beauty and has worked with some of the world’s most renowned brands – Nike, Under Armour, Sport Chek, Knix, Penningtons, Luluelemon, Self Magazine, Joe Fresh and the list goes on. All for the goal to show plus size women they all they deserve to live the life of their dreams and have a seat at the table 

She has learned that being an athlete and a model has no size and her mission is to help women on their self-love journeys. Through her new book, social influence and in her virtual fitness studio, Sarah encourages women to live their best life - body, soul and spirit 

Sarah is an award-winning Personal Trainer, Self-love coach, Plus Size Model, Motivational Speaker, Author and former Miss Plus Canada. She is passionate about helping women learn to love themselves and create lasting change in their wellness journey.

Sarah is a Plus Size Virtual Gym Owner, Plus Size Model, Blogger, Former Miss Plus Canada, and Motivational Speaker.You can catch her any day as tv personality and fitness expert on Cityline and Breakfast Television. She was recently featured in Self Magazine and Glamour Magazine has named one one of the top 30 Fitness Instagram Accounts to follow. 

She has learned that being an athlete and a model has no size and her mission is to help women on their self-love journeys Through her blog, social influence and in her fitness studio, Sarah encourages women to live their best life - body, mind and soul!

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